Monday, August 8, 2016

Cei 7 PiSici pentru adoptie | the 7 dwarfs..ehhm..kittens for adoption

(EN below) nascuti/born ~17.05.2016, deparazitati,vaccinati, invatati la litiera | dewormed, vaccinated, litterbox trained
Cei 7 au fost gasiti intr-o punga legata bine, aruncati la ghena, cand aveau abia 5-6 zile. Au fost hraniti cu biberonul, au trecut prin momente dificile, cand am crezut ca nu toti vor rezista, dar micutii sunt niste luptatori, si au reusit sa creasca si sa se transforme in niste pisoiasi minunati, cu personalitati diferite, dar cu aceeasi dragoste imensa pentru oameni, alint si dragaleala. Acum Barbie, Minmin, Alexandra, Tomtom, Plush, Monki si Charlie  isi cauta familii definitive, pe care sa le inveseleasca cu dragalasenia lor.
The 7 siblings were found in a plastic bag, thrown in a garbage bin, when they were only 5-6 days old. We fed them special babycat milk for a few weeks every 3-4 hours, they've been through ups and downs and we thought at some point that not all of them will make it, but our little guys proved to be real fighters and never gave up. Now Barbie, Minmin, Alexandra, Tomtom, Plush, Monki and Charlie are all looking for forever homes where they can make their families happy every single day.